Persian stew of lamb and pumpkin

Chop 1 onion, 2 cloves garlic, 1 piece fresh ginger (about the size of a walnut) and sauté in a little vegetable oil. Add lamb diced into 1 inch pieces (about 750 g. for 4 servings), keep stirring until meat changes colour. Add 1-2 spoonfuls of tomato concentrate, salt, pepper and chili powder to taste, 1/2 tsp. of turmeric, a few threads of saffron and a piece of cinnamon rind (or half tsp. of ground cinnamon). Add just enough water to cover meat, cook on low heat until meat is tender.  
Meanwhile peel pumpkin and cut into cubes same size as meat. Fry on slow fire in two tb sp. of vegetable oil. When pumpkin pieces start to brown and soften, sprinkle with salt and pepper and add to the cooked meat. Continue cooking on very slow heat until pumpkin is tender, but don't let pumpkin disintegrate. About five minutes before pumpkin is ready, add a handful of pitted dried prunes.  
Serve with Basmati rice and a salad.  
Irani web sites. Ginger, cinnamon and chili powder are my own additions.