Bazaar to me means magic; a bazaar is not only a place of trade, but also one of communication, amazement and pure delight.  

I was sixteen, barefeet and pennyless at the time of my first bazaar experience at Kapali Çarsi, Istanbul's huge, roofed over Grand Bazaar. For incountable hours I drifted through the mazes of what to me was a veritable Ali Baba type treasure trove. Delirious from all the exciting strangeness, I stared in wide-eyed wonder at the exhibited marvels: silk, brocades and velvet in all colors of the rainbow, gold and silver jewellry embellished with turquoise and amber, fancy wooden boxes intricately inlaid with patterns of mother of perl or adorned with miniature paintings featuring Persian princesses and hunting scenes; engraved copperware, vessels and vases, colourful carpets and kilims and glaced ceramics lavishly decorated in turquoise, cobalt blue, green, violet, and black.

  In this delightgful mosaik of craftsmen at their trades; shopkeepers entreating passersbye to enter their stalls; sweating carriers, bent double under their huge loads calling out for right of way; shoppers bargaining for a good price and vendors of lemonade or water rattling their cups, enveloped in the overpowering medly of sights, sounds and smells I liked nothing better than to let myself be carried along by the streams of locals flowing through the bazaar's arched halls, broad alleys and narrow, crooked paths.  
  Since that time I'm hooked on bazaars.  
  I got lots of ideas about what to put into the Bazaar section, unfortunately, I didn't find the time to implement any of them yet.  
Life is taking up so much time I'd rather spend working on my site! : )
Meanwhile, let me take you on a tour through the ancient bazaar of Multan, Pakistan. The link will open in a new window, so you can close it again when you're finished.
  Planned future content of the Bazaar section:  
  Anything to do with knowledge and the spreading thereof, with the broadening of horizons, spirituality and enlightenment.  
  Topics related to culture and cultures; art and artists.  
  A collection of the fabulous adventures of Nasr-ud-Din Hoja, jester and sage.  
  Links to sites about remarkable people and interesting topics.  
  Some personal stuff , like maybe looking for friends long lost (though meanwhile I've found most of them).  
Thank you for your patience.
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